Using simple materials, you’ll tap into your inner creativity to craft a deck of meaningful, collaged cards. You’ll also learn how to “read” these cards through journaling, using them as a tool for personal insight and reflection to:
Explore what you already know about your life/career/business as well as learn what you WANT to know
Support decision making and life planning
Engage in quiet, contemplative mindfulness and lower your stress
Is SoulCollage® for you?
Are you longing for more creativity in your life, but you're not sure where to begin?
Are you seeking new ways to relax and relieve stress?
Do you want to embrace time for more play and joy?
Are you searching for answers to your life's big and small questions?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then SoulCollage® is for you!
"But I'm not an artist!" you say. The wonderful thing about SoulCollage® is that THIS PROCESS WORKS FOR EVERYONE. If you can use a pair of scissors and a glue stick, then you can do SoulCollage.
You will love making these cards, love finding their meanings, and love sharing them with others. The deck becomes your visual journal. When you hold your cards in your hands, it is like holding up a reflection of your many-faceted self...With these cards you can explore your inner self and nourish your precious soul.
- Seena B. Frost, Founder of SoulCollage
SoulCollage® is a trademarked process created by Seena B. Frost, LMFT. For more information on Seena, the process, or Facilitator Training please visit her website.
SoulCollage® cards are made either from one's own art or from images found in materials which have been bought by or given to the SoulCollage® card maker.
SoulCollage® cards are used only for the cardmaker's own inner exploration. SoulCollage® cards are not sold, traded, bartered, or copied (except as a back-up for the cardmakers own use) as is stated in the Principles of SoulCollage®. Where SoulCollage® cards are available to be seen by others, it is for the purposes either of demonstrating the SoulCollage® process or of sharing the cardmakers' inner process in the context of community. SoulCollage® and Soul Unfolding are grateful to the artists and photographers who make this deep awakening process possible and in all ways SoulCollage® seeks to be respectful of their rights.
All articles on are copyrighted by Jennifer Watson unless otherwise noted.
Articles may be reprinted by permission only.